4 simple steps towards Financial Security, Growth, and Stewardship


Planning or using money to accomplish your goals doesn’t have to require a detailed analysis or a huge change in how you’re currently spending.

The surprise for most is that the Bible, over 3000 years ago, spelled out how you can have financial security and generally build wealth to accomplish your goals.

  1. Spend less than you earn

  2. Avoid the burden of debt

  3. Build reserves and liquidity

  4. Think and plan long term

All of these can be found various parts of scripture, including in the Proverbs of Solomon (often referred to, as the wisest man to ever live), specifically Proverbs 13, 21, 22, 24 & 26.

Spending less than you earn will allow you to avoid using debt (don’t borrow, except for major assets like a home. If you do choose to: stop and examine your motivation first (does it fit your goals and values)). Once you practice these two then building reserves and having liquidity is relatively simple. These reserves are there for those unexpected needs, like car repairs, and allow you to build savings towards important goals like college expenses, retirement, or maybe a family vacation. If you think and plan long term for these types of goals it makes it easier to not spend today on some of on some of the less important items, knowing the trade-off of accomplishing your goals.

Applying biblical principles contained in scripture are always relevant, never change and can lead to financial stability, confidence and contentment - they work regardless of your faith! But as Christians, these principles provide added confidence and help us make financial decisions as a faithful steward.

Keep in mind there is no one-size-fits all and these principles, while simple, often need to be applied uniquely to our circumstances and financial lives.

Happy financial security and building of wealth!

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